Company Aspirations for 2020

Satoshi Mochida – Representative Director, President and CEO, Komori Corporation

Best wishes for the New Year.

In 2019, Komori proposed a wide range of solutions at various events in Japan and overseas, including exhibitions such as Print China 2019 held in April in Dongguan, China.

This June we will attend drupa 2020, where we will focus on using ‘connected automation’ to maximize customer labor productivity. Presentations and exhibits will focus on how KP-Connect Pro IoT technology can link manufacturing workflows and further increase customer profits. We hope you will look forward to that event.

Komori has been engaged in transforming our business structure in order to become a PESP (Print Engineering Service Provider) offering total service.

In the offset printing press business, a new Lithrone GX40P perfector has been added to the lineup of the Lithrone GX40 40-inch sheetfed presses. Moreover, H-UV innovative curing system series orders exceed 1,000 printing presses and has gained high a solid reputation. In the future, Komori will undertake further development of laborsaving and standardization technology for commercial and package printing.

In the digital printing system business, initial field testing of the Impremia NS40 40-inch nanographic printing® system beta machine has been decided for Japan, and Komori plans to launch with general availability at drupa 2020.

In the security printing press business?we have secured major currency printing press orders from clients such as the Bank of France, Perum Peruri (Indonesia), CBPMB (China) and SPMCIL (India). Additionally, Japan has announced its intention to issue new currency in five years. Plans include changes to the portraits on currency, as well as use of cutting-edge technologies to prevent counterfeiting.

In the PE (Printed Electronics) business, we continue to expand our customer base in the electronic parts industry, and are pursuing collaboration with universities and research institutes for commercialization of flexible hybrid electronics. Our aim is to accelerate commercialization of printed electronics.

The Olympics will be held in Tokyo again, this year, for the first time in 56 years. Top athletes will gather to display the fruits of their training, and we hope, inspire the world.

Komori will celebrate its 100th anniversary in 2023. True to our management philosophy of becoming a customer Kando company, as we approach this milestone we will make every effort to deliver Kando — Customer Satisfaction Beyond Expectations — throughout the world.

Komori will make every effort to meet your expectations.