Komori Corporation and Heinrich Baumann Build Strategic Partnership for Cutting Systems

Komori Corporation (Tokyo, Japan; Representative Director, President and COO: Satoshi Mochida) has built a strategic partnership with Heinrich Baumann Grafisches Centrum GmbH & Co. KG (Frankfurt, Germany; CEO Christian Baumann) for cutting systems and has concluded an agreement covering sales in Japan. By this, the Apressia CTX series cutting system will be added to the Apressia brand of printing-related equipment offered by Komori.
Komori has been selling and supplying the Apressia CT115/CT137 Programmable Hydraulic Clamp Cutters. Adding the Apressia CTX series to the lineup will enable greater efficiency and labor saving in postpress processing.

The collaboration of Komori, which is expanding its Apressia lineup, including cutters and die cutters, and Baumann Group, which has automatic paper processing technologies, will provide very significant added value to postpress and enable centralized management from prepress to postpress by interfacing with KP-Connect Pro, the Komori Solution Cloud. Both companies will supply equipment and systems to the postpress market while strengthening collaboration. Komori will launch sales of Apressia CTX series cutting systems in Japan this autumn.

For further information

Fujimaki, Manager
PESP Business Promotion Department
Komori Corporation
Tel +81-3-5608-7806
Fax +81-3-3624-9519