Komori’s Impremia IS29 Receives Printing Industries of America’s 2017 InterTech™ Technology Award

Komori Corporation (Tokyo, Japan; Representative Director, President and COO: Satoshi Mochida) and Komori America Corporation, the Komori subsidiary in America, have announced that the Komori Impremia IS29 UV digital inkjet printing system received the Printing Industries of America’s 2017 InterTech™ Technology Award. The following is an outline.

Komori’s Impremia IS29 UV digital inkjet printing system received the Printing Industries of America’s 2017 InterTech™ Technology Award.

The InterTech™ Technology Award was established in 1978 and has honored the development of technologies predicted to have a major impact on the graphic arts and related industries. In 2017, 14 recipients won award among 26 nominees. This year is the fourth time Komori has been honored with an InterTech™ Technology Award. Previous accolades were for the Automatic Plate Changer (APC), the Lithrone S40 40? Offset Printing Press and the H-UV Innovative Curing System.

“We are honored to receive the prestigious InterTech™ Technology Award for this first-of-its-kind technology,” said Meishi Tsuya, president of Komori America. “The Impremia IS29 is part of Komori’s line of inkjet output products, underscoring Komori’s continued commitment to offer the industry solutions that expand the potential of print and improve margins with the ability to produce diverse print communications.”

The Impremia IS29 is an innovative press that delivers on Komori’s three core competencies–product reliability, high quality and substrate freedom. It is an inkjet printing system designed to successfully meet customer demands for complex variable print requirements where size is a factor. The system has the capability to economically produce variable short-run, high-quality color printing with the characteristic of digital printing, while making it possible to get to market quickly with reduced set-up costs and color output that rivals offset press. Equipped with UV inkjet technology, the Impremia IS29 can handle a 23×29? sheet which is ideal for a six up print format. In addition, it does not require pre-coated paper, and enables printing on a wide range of stocks, including ordinary offset paper. By taking advantage of its UV inkjet characteristics, Impremia IS29 is ideal for not only commercial print applications, but also package printing.

For further information

Yosuke Fujimaki, Manager
PESP Business Promotion Department
Komori Corporation
Tel +81-3-5608-7806
Fax +81-3-3624-9519